Body Protocols

With the protocols at Vietrulife, we can address excess fat, cellulite, sagging, the appearance of varicose veins, hair removal, as well as treating the appearance of stretch marks, smoothing scars, and regenerating tissues, among others.

Sagging occurs over time and is manifested as a loss of skin firmness due to the reduction or weakening of supporting tissues, collagen, and elastin. On the body, it can be observed on the thighs, the inner arms, the abdomen, and the buttocks.

Stretch marks are clear or purple marks that appear on the skin as a result of tears beneath the dermis, a thicker skin layer situated below the epidermis. They often show up on the skin of the thighs, breasts, hips, buttocks, or abdomen due to a sudden increase in volume in these areas, which, as a result, stretches the skin. It is important to keep the skin well-moisturized using hydrating creams."

Cellulite is the accumulation of fat in certain areas of the body, forming fatty nodules that cause the well-known "orange peel" effect. Typically, with a healthy diet and exercise, we can reduce it, but there is a type of fat that persists. For this, we offer professional anti-cellulite treatments such as pressotherapy or lymphatic drainage. When performed consistently, combined with a balanced diet and daily exercise, they can be effective.

Manual lymphatic drainage is a form of massage that promotes the functioning of the lymphatic system, crucial for an efficient immune system. It helps to combat circulatory problems, tired legs, edemas, osteoarthritis, etc. It involves performing slow, rhythmic, harmonious, and very gentle movements on the skin

The lipolaser is an innovative procedure that enables body contouring to eliminate stubborn and localized fat that can't be resolved with diet or other treatments. It is highly effective in addressing excessive curves, irregularities, or disproportions in the body silhouette. It is particularly recommended for critical areas with little fat thickness where traditional liposuction may struggle to produce a tightening of the area

Localized fat and overweight are issues that, despite diet and physical exercise, we cannot eliminate. For this, there are several medical aesthetic treatments capable of improving or even completely eliminating these problems without the yo-yo effect.

This type of massage targets accumulated tension, performed slowly with steady and progressive pressure while accompanied by aromatherapy and relaxing music. It consists of two stages: the first focuses on the front side of your body and the second on the back area.

A HIFU body treatment uses ultrasound to generate heat at a deep level in the skin. This heat damages specific skin cells, prompting the body to try to repair them. To do this, the body produces collagen to aid in cell growth. Collagen is a substance in the skin that provides structure and elasticity. HIFU can: tighten body skin.

A non-invasive method, it eliminates localized adiposity and improves cellulite. A significant reduction in circumference is achieved due to the progressive and permanent removal of adipose buildup. It causes no pain or discomfort, leaves no marks, and requires no allergy testing. It's only recommended to hydrate thoroughly before and after the treatment.

Through this therapy, heat spreads throughout the body via mechanisms of conduction, radiation, and convection. It is used to enhance the health and well-being of an individual, ranging from simple relaxation to the healing of certain ailments. It is also commonly used in muscle recovery processes, such as muscle rehabilitation, relieving blood pressure and creating a relaxing effect through the heat of thermotherapy.

Pressotherapy is an aesthetic medicine treatment that uses air pressure,in the form of a massage, to activate the lymphatic system with the aim of improving circulation throughout the body. The lymphatic system is responsible for cleansing and defending the body by eliminating toxins, intestinal contents, and fats, and combating germs, infections, and toxic substances. Thanks to the circulation and air pressure applied in a controlled and personalized manner for each patient and on each specific

It works on an electrolytic level, activating a process called "ionization," by which the water molecules in which the feet have been submerged are broken down, separating them into thousands of ions. A large number of anions penetrate the body's various membranes, and when they encounter positively charged ions, which produce toxins attached to different body tissues like skin, organs, etc., they disintegrate them, thus neutralizing the positive charge of the toxins.

In a conventional training session, only 40% of muscle fibers are exercised. With controlled whole-body vibration training, the percentage approaches 100%. And it's not just the muscle tissue that responds. The application also has a positive effect on tendon tissue, bone tissue, the nervous system, and hormonal balance.

Electrostimulation is one of the most commonly used non-invasive aesthetic treatments when it comes to toning and firming tissues in just a few sessions without exertion or side effects. Moreover, this treatment benefits the circulatory system by allowing better venous and lymphatic return. As a result, it helps to reduce fluid retention, boost circulation, and eliminate toxins.

Electroporation is a non-invasive alternative to traditional mesotherapy, which is why it is often referred to as VIRTUAL MESOTHERAPY or needle-free (a painless procedure) that allows for the localized introduction of liposomal active ingredients.

A traditional unisex hair removal method, in which we apply two types of wax, low melting hot wax and warm wax, depending on the area and skin type. Hair is removed from the root, generally leaving the skin smooth and delaying its regrowth. Hair usually starts to reappear after two or three weeks, depending on the hair type. It can be done at any time of the year and on any body area, typically yielding results that last up to a month.

Using suction devices, it acts on the adipose tissues, draining the fat towards the lymphatic system to facilitate its removal. Vacuum therapy is another effective therapy to combat cellulite, improve circulation, cleanse pores, detoxify the skin, and eliminate excess fat, thereby reducing measurements.